Become familiar with the new aspects of playing online.
Hurdles to overcome on the first few sessions include aspects unique to online poker, such as using the time-bank feature. For some online novices, having a set amount of time to act can be a significant adjustment from the live cash world where a player generally has a least a few minutes to act before being in danger of having the clock called. Additional aspects that the novice should take time familiarizing himself with include: the layout and lobby of the site, betting features, the cashier page, rake-back offers, and other bonuses.
Easing into online poker instead of diving in head-first will help acquaint the novice with many of the unique aspects of online poker. One such aspect that differs from live poker is the large number of hands one sees per hour. In general, this number will be over double the amount of hands that would be played in an hour at a brick-and-mortar casino, even if playing only at a single table. The speed can be overwhelming to novices, and may take a bit of getting used to.